And the living is eeeeeeeeeeasy...well, it is. Certainly compared to slogging hours at my previous place of employment. I miss my students in a gentle, faintly vague way, but I am extremely happy to not be returning in the fall. Have I said that already? EXTREMELY.
Instead, I am accessing my inner Heather Homemaker, and finding it not too unpleasant. I'm not sure if it's some latent Southern gene clawing its way to the surface, but I am discovering a certain degree of satisfaction at actually maintaining a tidier and more organized house. I think that while a degree of clutter and chaos is natural and not cause for alarm, MY brain goes into convulsions when things are utterly haphazard.
Do I leave toys and books out? Sure, just in a less scattered way. Do I wash the dishes after every meal? No, but I am making sure to clean everything up before going to bed. Is the laundry immediately folded and put away? No, but it is done in a more timely fashion and at least Mount Laundry hasn't recently reared its ugly head. This is all mundane minutiae, I know, but it's also allowing more time for doing stupid yet necessary things like reorganizing the linen closet, reshelving books that have been piling up, figuring out why my kitchen looks like the Old Curiousity Shop of Dickensian fame.
I think the nicest part is, I don't feel as though I have to eat up my entire summer vacation getting our lives in order...because my summer vacation is, for the time being, at least, indefinite. Which allows for things like finishing the new Harry Potter...which I am going to do right now, as Bean is enjoying her morning nap.
Only wish I had a house elf to bring my second cup of coffee...
by Heather Hoffman at 11:02 AM