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w May 08, 2005

Non-Mother's Day

Before anyone gets their knickers in a knot and calls protective services, let me say flat out, it is a potentially sad but universally acknowledged truth that on the day of the respecting of the sainted mothers (as Manolo might say in his Shoe Blogs)...we're pretty damn happy to NOT do any mothering.

My husband being the candystore that he is took on Bean duty from moment one this morning (and for a good chunk of yesterday as another mom-friend and I went out for lunch) and has kept it up all day with only a short pause to actually transact some business via the phone. I was happy to engage with the legume a bit, but was equally happy to wave them off as they went to the store together to get dinner stuffs. I have literally slacked around all day, and it's been exquisite. Slept in until 10:00, was brought coffee and chocolates in bed, read for a while as I consumed, then lazed around reading various blogs and websites for the remainder of the day. In passing, one can waste a vast amount of time "window shopping" on natural/handmade cosmetics and soap sites.

That being said, the Bean is of course the reason I am enjoying said Non-Mother's Day, and she has been a doll. She gave me (with substantial help from Daddy) two silver cuff bracelets that are just beautiful, and from preschool I got a lovely bookmark that her teachers *clearly* put a great deal of time and effort into. No longer do I have to use old dry cleaning receipts! In all seriousness, though, it is something beyond describing to open up a package from her and have her squiggle with excitement as I thank her. A dear friend also sent me the aforementioned chocolates "from" the Bean, so I have been well and truly spoiled today.

In fact, so much so that going back to "work" tomorrow is actually going to be...pleasant. Happy Mother's Day y'all.

by Heather Hoffman at 6:09 PM

w May 03, 2005

The Super Fantastic of the Shoes

I have a new idol, and he is of the super fantasticness. If you love shoes as much as I do (and I *love* shoes...ask Gene. I LOVE SHOES), you must to check out this site:


Manolo, he is both of the sensible and the beautifulness. I bow to him.

by Heather Hoffman at 9:19 PM