Don't Tell the BoBos
I love the blog Serious Eats, and I think I love Ed Levine even more after reading this article today:
Is Artisanal, Handmade Food Always Better?
His point, in a nutshell, is it shouldn't really matter whether something is "handmade" if it tastes like hell. How is that being a serious eater, or how is it a good thing to perpetuate awful food simply because it didn't come out of a FDA approved factory somewhere serious foodies would never dream of going unless at gunpoint.
And before anyone jumps down my throat, a) I haven't had coffee yet but b) my coffee was not pooped out by random jungle creatures but c) that is just fine with me. I love small production deliciousness, but I also love a big old bag of Doritos.
So there.
by at March 30, 2009 9:00 AM
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