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w December 25, 2008

I May Have Chosen The Right Profession

As much as I have been enjoying reading the book from the previous post, I still have my doubts about the author's accuracy and interpretation; it is somewhat of a relief to read a review that supports these hunches. On some level, it's probably due to a background in history, where you are constantly enjoined to verify, verify, verify, but on the other, I think it reminds me that I have a sort of sickness where research is concerned. I can spend hours chasing Wikipedia threads down various rabbit holes, but it is a point of some pride that I can almost always come back to the original search; I like nothing better than to be given a research mission, no matter how piddly.
I can't tell you how much better I feel knowing someone else agrees with me on the quality of scholarship of this particular book - and it has nothing to do with being 'right' in a smug way, but rather accuracy and completeness of detail. I'm not willing to totally accept Kirsch's take on things without digging a little further on my own, but it certainly adds useful facets.
I'm not expecting to be the person who finds things all the time for a given patron or employee - that's arguably Google's job - but I bet I can do a pretty good job of helping them find the appropriate thing.

by at December 25, 2008 10:26 PM | TrackBack Comments
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