Tick Tock Tick Tock
So I can't decide if this is a good thing, a bad thing, or a neutral thing, but when I checked my jury duty status tonight it would appear that my group is on 'call in status'. Whatever the eff that means. Well, okay, it means I have to call in tomorrow between 11:15 and 11:45 AM to receive 'further instructions'. Which actually sounds kind of amusingly like I'm calling a mob boss or something. Look, whatever it takes for a laugh, people.
I am trying to look at this as a positive though -- better to be able to have a relatively normal morning, and get on the phone to see what is up and I really sincerely hope this doesn't mean they can tell me at 11:45 "be here at 12:30". Because not so much fun. Still and all, Gene said he could be home by noon if need be, and I have made sure both he and my neighbor are on the bus pick up list for Bean, and worst case -- I'm home by 5 or 5:30.
In my defense, I realized that I don't mind having to actually BE a juror, I believe in all the civic duty crap blah blah blah -- it's just the sitting around and having to scramble for kid care that is a hair puller. If both kids were actually in school, I would be so much more philosophical about it all. Ah well. As I'm sure you are all waiting with bated breath alongside me, I'll update this tomorrow after receiving my ... 'further instructions" (cue The Godfather music)
by at January 14, 2008 7:59 PM
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