Next, Snorting Scotch Bonnet
I seem to have acquired a rather rank cold, and am currently eating a mix of three leftover salsas from our local taqueria in an effort to clear up some of the muck currently residing in my sinuses. The thing is, I know it is muy caliente, I can feel the barest of burning sensations, but honestly, I can hardly taste it. I get the 'oh, hm, that's probably warm' sensation, but beyond that, not much.
I don't want to be gross, but, I will: I wish I could just have a massive sneeze and everything would come flying out in one big glop. There. I said it. Back to salsa snarfing.
by at November 25, 2007 9:15 PM
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I'm in the same boat and am kind of wondering if one big sneeze will be leaking some gray matter out. I'm not newly sick, I'm still sick, maybe. Hopefully this is the finally throes.
Posted by: Juiie on November 26, 2007 3:22 PM