
Question Is, Will Parents Actually Read This
Or are they too busy with the flash cards and the endless loop of lessons and workshops and things to put on the Harvard application?
Read this article this morning, and it was an interesting counterpart to one I read the other day about the "dumbing down" of American youth (a self indulgent, alarmist article that I hated, for the record). In a way, having my first born not fall into any 'typical' category from birth has allowed me to stay out of that fray, and for that, I will be eternally grateful. I realized while pregnant with Peabo, that I could deal with a child that was just, you know...happy. And a good person. Do I want her to be able to support herself? Uh, yeah, my job should be effectively done in 18-22 years. But I'm not going to get freaking flash cards for her. She has a lot more fun playing with empty paper cups, my retractable cloth tape measure, and plain old alphabet blocks. And let's be honest, it's a lot easier on me, lazy slacker ass mom that I am. I do read to her, but she is more interested right now in just figuring out how the pages turn. And you know what? Whatevs. She's still learning cause and effect, and SHE is the one driving it.
I recognize, after reading this through, that I am kind of sounding like an equally smug parent, but at least I'm not yet a stressed out parent. I can handle that.
by at October 29, 2007 7:39 AM
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