Tugged at, by eldest child home sick. She is not violently ill, nor is she likely to stay home all week, but the last two days, she's definitely had the 'sick look' that all parents know too well. Part of the issue for me is that she is now old enough to not be wailing or whinging all day, but to just sort of droop around and look sad. That, my friends, is far worse. I know rationally all I can do is make sure she's warm and hydrated and fed comfy foods as far as she can handle, liberally dosed with the offerings of Disney, Pixar, and Noggin TV. Irrationally, I just hate it when either kid is sick, because it makes me feel as though I've fallen down on the parenting job.
And it's not just that she is home from school and thus I have two to wrangle all day. Promise.
by at October 10, 2007 9:56 AM
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