My Explorer
One of the oddest things about having a "typically developing" kid is that I really don't have to structure so much of the playtime. What I mean is, with Bean, I had to bring the world to her---with Peabo, it's completely opposite. I need to kind of stop her from destroying the world, ha ha (she did attempt to do the tablecloth trick the other day at lunch with my friend and her mom). She is also way more on track from a motor development perspective, as witnessed by two recent incidetns: two days ago she was having "tummy time" and all of a sudden reached out to rake a toy towards her. I was gobsmacked, to say the least. I mean, I know this is totally normal, but for us...not so much. And then this morning I went to get her up from her nap to discover her on her stomach. Yep, she can now flip front to back AND back to front.
This will certainly make diaper changing more interesting.
by at April 30, 2007 3:46 PM
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