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w March 10, 2007

Brownie Brownies

Are surprisingly good, even in their sugar-free state. I had ordered Girl Scout cookies from two neighborhood kids, but of course said cookies are also flogged outside of supermarkets, etc. Needless to say, it was a challenge to pass them up on my way out last night , but I limited my purchase to one box of the sugar-free brownies. Because you know, it's practically health food.

I will also admit I tend towards buying Girl Scout cookies and similar because I see my future, writ large in small girls with winning smiles and an order form, with a bored looking mother hovering in the background, hissing "remember to say thank you!". It's karmic, in a way, you know? I don't know if Bean will do Scouts, but we certainly have PTA fundraisers every year (and a shout out to those who have put up with my shilling); Peabo might well do both. Really, being a parent is just one long exercise in fundraising. Free education, my ass.

Anyway, as you love me and my girls, and probably Girl Scout cookies, go fetch up a box of the brownies...that will be me in a few years hissing "SAY THANK YOU!"

by at March 10, 2007 10:07 AM | TrackBack Comments
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