Shocking, I Know
For the past two days, we (well, the women of the family) have been up at at 'em by about 7:30 am, with Bean dressed and eating breakfast by 8 or 8:15, which is WELL in advance of her having to be ready for school. Most previous mornings have seen me at 8:58 shoveling the last of her oatmeal into her maw, frantically stuffing her feet into her DAFOs and shoes, and promising the dogs that I would walk them when I got back.
Needless to say, this is a much more relaxed option. The only difficulty is that Peabo starts needing a morning nap about 9:00, which is riiiiiiight when we need to leave for school. I'm going to try and get her to A) take a cat nap from 8 to 9 (yeah, right) or B) push through until about 9:45 when we get home. Bean actually has a wheelchair on order, primarliy for transportation purposes (the buses have latchdowns for strollers and wheelchairs, and she could just use a harness if she were more independently mobile), but it's not here yet and I have been led to believe---don't wait up. So long as we have it for kindergarten and beyond though, I'm not too worried.
Still and all, it's pretty amazing to be calm as I get ready to get out the door in the morning. Amazing to have the dogs walked and thus not likely to pee on the piano leg in frustration with me. Amazing to be able to drink a cup of coffee before I go. The reason behind all this, I think, is that both kids are starting to hit the sack at about the same time. It's an early night (5 to 6 pm, give or take a few minutes), and paradoxically it's because Peabo is sleeping MORE during the day (regular naps, of longish duration, thank you Baby Jesus), and Bean is transitioning out of napping entirely. As much as I was horrified at that thought, it's not so bad to just have one to wrangle at a time, or most of the time, I should say. It's still a bit of a witching hour around here starting at 4 or 4:30, but we push through and then by 7:00 I'm doing my zombie impersonation on the couch. Or cooking dinner, for a nice change from take out.
I recognize this will all abruptly change in the future, at a point not yet determined, and when I least expect it, but for now? For now this will do.
by at February 28, 2007 8:19 AM
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