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w January 08, 2007

Turn Turn Turn

My cousin's daughter was born this evening in San Antonio, Texas, which is very exciting news for my aunt and uncle, as this is their first grandchild. In a strange way, this feels more "grownup" than having my own two girls, as I can kind of stand back a bit and think "good lord...this is the cousin who I played with as a toddler, wrangled all the rest of the younger kids with as a teenager, commiserated with as we both grew into adulthood...it is not possible that we are now both old enough to be parents".

We've been Heddy and Joshie for so long, I can't quite feature the two of us as staid and stable adults with pooping tax deductions, but there it is. I guess everyone goes through this at one point or another, but I think I've finally breached the last barrier into grownupedness. On the other hand, it's awfully nice that she and Peabo are only 7.5 weeks apart in age.

by at January 08, 2007 8:05 PM | TrackBack Comments
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