A Pox On Your House
Fortunately, there isn't one here, at least not of the fowl or small nature, but the Bean does in fact have a lovely rash all over her chest and back, which, coupled with a mild fever last night, caused me to wail "nooooooooooooooooo!!!!"
Good news is, the rash hasn't progressed anywhere else, hasn't changed shape, color, or other appearance, and she is in remarkably good humor (and fever free). We did go to the doctor's today to check on this, just on the off chance it was something that needed tending to, but tooraloo, it was fine. Well, in a manner of speaking. She looks absolutely vile when her shirt is off, but we just won't walk around half naked in public. The craziest thing is that, if one has a rash, one has to enter the doctor's office through the side door, presumably to avoid infecting other less poxy children in the main waiting room. Double strollers don't fit through that door, or, well, they would fit through the door, but there were a bunch of nurses' desks in the way, so we left the stroller outside and I portaged both kids (crying, natch) into the exam room. In passing, there is something about a double stroller that kind of feels like buying a minivan---the jig is up. You are now officially a suburban breeder. It's a nice stroller, though, and fits through doorways without desks in the way.
All I could think, though, while we were driving to the clinic, was "Oh my god...we have to go through the LEPER'S ENTRANCE". And then I started laughing uncontrollably, which I'm sure made me look like a complete lunatic.
by at December 11, 2006 1:39 PM
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