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w November 10, 2006

The Who in the What Now?

This is sort of a preemptive strike of a blog post, but for any who are interested, we will be going into the hospital Monday morning for an induction, presumably resulting in a baby. I went pretty fast with the Bean, so hope is springing eternal that both Peabo and I will be eating a hearty lunch, or at least dinner. That's the rankest thing about induction, not being able to eat anything (in case you have to have a C-section, which really makes no sense, since general anesthesia is rarely a necessity, but whatever). I remember being hungry enough to eat the plastic tray after having Bean, and the hospital food tasted...good. I know, I know.

There is no reason to think that the induction won't "take", considering this is round two, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say we will likely have Hoffman Four by Monday night, but any quick labor vibes people feel like sending, I'm receptive. This is of course due to the fact that my blood pressure and I are not the best of friends right now, though actually it's probably been better than it was with Bean, or at least started cropping cranky a bit later, so it is what it is. My doctor was not thrilled with the fact that even after lying down yesterday for 20 minutes on the fetal monitor, my pressure didn't decrease at all, and feels that it would be a bit foolhardy to push the envelope anymore past Monday, which is 37 weeks (which is term, though according to some sanctimonious hags, not "full term"...whatever. I'd rather not have seizures or go into a coma or like, die). It was a little frazzling to be told "oh hey, guess what you'll be doing in four days", but we're good to go. I mean, all you really need right away is the car seat and diapers, both of which are covered; thanks in large part to friends who recently had a baby, we won't even need to do infant laundry for months, and Bean care can be comfortably covered now without anyone having to be called at 3 am. As well, unlike last time, I don't have to go in the night before, so we should all get a reasonably decent last night's sleep before the screeching poop monster descends into our lives.

Anyway, I guess the biggest point of this long winded post was to say thank you to all the well wishers through this pregnancy, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can with all the gory details. An early Happy Thanksgiving to all my US friends as well...

by at November 10, 2006 11:29 AM | TrackBack Comments

Good luck! I think that induction for high blood pressure is perfectly legitimate. I hope that by this time next week all four of you will be settling in and becoming your new family.

Posted by: Kate on November 10, 2006 1:10 PM

Best of luck! I'll be thinking of all of you on Monday, and sending as many "quick labour" vibes as I can! I'm sure everything will be great.

Posted by: Aven on November 10, 2006 1:35 PM

my god. Is it baby time already? Hope it all goes swiftly and safely for all involved. I can't wait to see the new Hoffman!
much love to all 3/4 of you!

Posted by: Jen on November 12, 2006 4:33 PM
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