Two Worries Down
Ultrasound totally uneventful, baby right on target for age, maybe even a *little* petite, though nothing out of the realm of normal (and like Gene and I are the biggest people in the world), and even better news, head is down. I won't get gross or graphic, but let's just say that makes the likelihood of a C-section much less so, if at all. Again, not to get graphic, but she is *definitely* a girl...I'm going to have to steal a line from Dooce here and confirm I saw her, ah, cheeseburger. So I can go ahead and wash the pink stuff, and Gene can bemoan the serious levels of estrogen that are going to be running around this house in about thirteen years. She was clearly trying to take a nap while being poked at, but we got a cute (albeit smooshed) view of her face with arms tucked up above her head, which is ironically just like the Bean sleeps.
As much as I wish I didn't have to deal with all the blood pressure fooferol, I definitely feel like I can handle that now that I know the other worries can be shelved.
In other news, the Bean, my best friend and I went to our local Mountain Mike's Pizza to partake of their "Hallowe'en All You Can Eat" for a mere $5.95 (and the Bean ate for free as she was in costume)...I'm not sure I want to have pizza again for a very, very, very long time.
by at October 31, 2006 5:18 PM
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Glad to hear such good news. We've got some of our own over on the blog -- and in my arms as I type! :)
Posted by: Aven on October 31, 2006 7:03 PM
What you didn't want to go out and get more pizza a few hours later?
I was totally surprised I was able to eat dinner, myself.
Posted by: Julie on November 2, 2006 10:36 AM