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w October 05, 2006

Red Letter Day

I went to pick up the Bean at therapy today, and heard that she had a great day, etc, etc. Was standing there holding her two hands in front, just sort of expecting her to enjoy standing.


She stepped forward. And then again. And then kept walking. I was still holding her hands, and her balance leaves a bit to be desired, but SHE WAS WALKING. We walked all around the classroom, the pride radiating from her smiling face. It was...I can't even begin to explain what it felt like. What it FEELS like. I guess, though, it feels as if I've had a ten ton boulder stuck inside my chest for nearly five years, and it was suddenly yanked out in one fell swoop...and I almost don't know what to do with it. I sat in our bedroom on the floor and just wept for about twenty minutes, those huge, gulping, exhausting sobs that leave you utterly scraped out.

I know I said this with the seven steps, but it remains the truth...I don't care if we have to maintain this supported walking for a while, however long that while is. The new plateau is huge enough, it's nearly enough. But to be honest, if it only took a week to get from that first deliberate single step to deciding those legs could move in sequence for an extended period of time...who knows where we'll be this time next year? Next summer? Next MONTH? She's utterly worn out right now; I just looked in on her and she's sleeping like a cherub. I gave her ice cream after lunch and am going to make chocolate chip cookies this afternoon. I almost feel like I should throw a block party, or rent out the Ritz.

Nearly five years. But we have crossed the Rubicon.

by at October 05, 2006 2:08 PM | TrackBack Comments

Heather, this is beyond tremendous. I am completely choked up for Ella, for you, for Gene and for all of your courage and perseverence.

I barely need to say it: Happy Thanksgiving!!! We are all grateful for this gift!


Posted by: Mary on October 6, 2006 7:04 AM

Clearly, she's been holding out on us.

Very happy for all involved and for her quick progress.

Posted by: Kenneth on October 9, 2006 1:19 PM
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