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w August 16, 2006

Canine Reprieve

Earlier today, as I was walking the dogs, we encountered another pair of much better behaved pets. Embarrassment, as always, ensued, as mine went apeshit, Gershwin even going so far as to nip me while I was trying to get him to calm the bleep down. Needless to say, I was not thrilled with them and threatened sale to a disreputable restaurant.

After *I* finally calmed down, I did some work with Bean and her walker. She did a great job of it last week at physical therapy, but for some reason today, she decided to pitch a full on wailing fit, even to the point of those horrid silent tears where they barely breathe. Full on awful. Anyway, we soldiered on for about ten feet and then plunked in front of Teletubbies to recuperate. During the entire ordeal, Gershwin was *very* concerned about Bean and stuck to my rolling chair like glue; when we finally finished, he had to make sure that she knew he was on HER side as he frantically licked her tears and arms...he gets a reprieve.

This time.

by at August 16, 2006 10:17 AM | TrackBack Comments

I love your family, dogs and all. Gershy is sweet, though crazy. And an attention slut. But a sweet one.

Posted by: Kenneth on August 16, 2006 2:19 PM
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