Something Other Than Barfing
One lovely thing about waiting four years to have another child is how independent a little person Bean has become. I don't mean in the typical ways, we don't have that luxury, but in her emotional needs. She has somehow, over the last few months, become the happiest, most delightful child. She was always pretty cheerful, but now it's almost like she's so thrilled with life, she wants to make sure everyone else joins in. Her teachers tell me that she basically chuckles throughout her day at school---loves everything, enjoys everyone, eats like a "truckdriver". Where did this precious child come from?
I wish I could let her know how much help this is for me during a time when I'm not 100% myself. If anything, I want to squish her even closer, something I've been trying to do a lot recently. Her world is going to turn topsy-turvy come December; maybe it's wishful thinking on my part, but I want to just fill her up with as much attention and affection as possible. It certainly makes the constant desire to hurl a lot easier to bear.
by at May 02, 2006 7:09 PM
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