The Bean, She Grows
We have had two days worth of mad appointments, ranging from Oakland to Palo Alto, and can I just say here, y'all, I am SO GLAD IT IS OVER. I swear I've spent more time in my car than housebound. Which is maybe not such a bad thing, but you know, the traffic. The irritating other drivers. Etc.
The Bean had an ocularist appointment yesterday at 8 am in Oakland. Note. We do not live anywhere NEAR Oakland for all intensive purposes, so needless to say, getting up vilely early was necessary. Still, we made it, Bean got her scleral shell retrofitted and enlarged, all is well, la la la, except...she is melting down tired, and we still have a dental appointment back aross the bay at 2 pm. Fortunately we had about 45 minutes in between where we could hit the boat, she laid down for a "rest" (read: playtime) and I read a book. Dentist. Fast, amazing...she was really falling apart at this point, but they managed to get at least two X-rays and the teeth cleaned and fluoridinated (yeah, I know that's not the real word but it's more funner). Seeing her adult teeth lurking underneath the baby teeth was...startling to say the least. I was just gobsmacked, which I'm sure amused our lovely dentist, Dr Dhaliwal. Who, for the record, is the best dentist in the world. Go see him if you live near Redwood Shores.
Today was an endocrinology appointment at Stanford for the ubiquitous "growth issues"...except, we almost got a get-out-of-jail-free card this time. Doc says, well, she's lean, sure, but it's not adversely affecting her linear growth, plus any real big problems usually crop up before age 5. Let's do a total blood workup plus the cortisone "stress test" thingy which necessitated a sharp pokey thing (she was MAD, let me assure you), but in all likelihood, they can effectively discharge her from endocrine visits when we go back next year. We've moved from every 3 months to every 4 months to every 6 months to next year to probably never again.
How happy am I? So happy.
Onto a completely unrelated thread, please please please go read this blog: www.crazyauntpurl.com.
She is now my new hero, most particularly for her captioning of her cat pictures and the fact that I have cried, literally CRIED with laughter while reading more than one post. Go read. Please.
by at March 22, 2006 5:05 PM
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CrazyAuntPurl is very funny, isn't she. I particularly like her discussions of the craziness of L.A.
I'm glad you got good news from the doctor -- always a lovely surprise!
Posted by: Aven on March 22, 2006 5:26 PM