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w January 30, 2006

Multicultural Medicine

The Bean has been sick for about a week now; your usual complement of sneezing, gross coughing, tons of snot, much fretfulness, etc. She was eating reasonably well for the first few days, and then just stopped. I managed to keep fluids in her, but the food thing was proving a problem. This has certainly happened in the past, but it's frustrating and worrisome every time -- she's small for her age, and I admit I tend to stress about eating maybe more quickly than other parents. I tried to let it go for a day or two, figuring, yes, she'll eat when she starts feeling better, but anyone who knows me knows I was gnawing on my fingernails the whole time.

Today she is *somewhat* better...not fantastic, but not as bad as earlier, and she seems to be sleeping a bit more easily. Applesauce and yogurt went down well this morning, so I was emboldened to try congee for lunch. Taking a cue from a Taiwanese friend, I added some peanut butter and soy sauce, to make a kind of ersatz peanut sauce, as well as add some protein that had been sadly lacking for the last few days.

Wonder of wonders, she ate it. I wouldn't say with gusto, necessarily, but without the screaming and hissy fits of previous attempts at meals. Thank goodness for Asian grandmas, is what I say.

Here's my recipe, should you want it:

3 Tbsp rice
4 cups water
1 Tbsp peanut butter
splash of soy sauce

Bring the rice and water to a quick boil, then reduce heat and simmer for about 45-50 minutes. Cover the pot partially, but leave lid a bit askew so that rice doesn't boil over. Add peanut butter and enough soy sauce to make a nice sauce. Feed to grumpy sick preschooler.

by at January 30, 2006 4:09 PM | TrackBack Comments
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