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w August 21, 2005

The 3rd Floor

Has been reached officially, I think. Gene and I discussed it, and we agreed that since I was born in the eastern time zone, I have technically been 30 for just over 2 hours now, even though it's not quite 12:01 am in California yet. Yep, I was actually born at almost the witching hour.

Explains so much, doesn't it?

Had a good conversation with a friend this evening about my kind of unintentional "welcoming ritual" for this new decade and I think it's pretty accurate and comforting...had a weekend that encompassed big tall trees, ocean beaches, margaritas, chick flicks, bright red nail polish, pizza and French food tomorrow evening. Somehow, it seems fitting. It was sort of everything from hiking boots to heels and from what I can figure...that's not a bad metaphor for your 30s.

I'm pretty happy to finally be here. Having been treated and expected to act like I was already well ensconced in my third decade for quite a while, it's quite a relief to finally *be* 30.

Good grief. I am no longer a 20-something.

by at August 21, 2005 11:20 PM | TrackBack Comments
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