Calorie Bomb
As I've sure I've mentioned in previous posts, Bean is on the smaller side of the great weight continuum, and so we are constantly enjoined to "fatten her up". Well, we've done the avocado route, the mayonnaise route, the tater tots and ranch dressing route; I have been avoiding peanut butter only because she has enough issues without adding a nasty food allergy, but the aggravating part is that peanut butter is a fantastic way to load up those skinny kids with calories.
A tried and true favorite from my Canadian childhood saved the day, though: Nutella. It's actually Italian, I guess, but one of the great benefits of growing up in Toronto was that we got interesting foodstuffs from Europe and Asia on a regular basis. Anyway, it dawned on me that this would be a great and tasty alternative to peanut butter, particularly after I looked at the nutritional information. One tablespoon of this stuff has 100 CALORIES. That's both heartening for my present dilemma and sort of terrifying when I think about how much of it I ate as a kid.
I was initially giving it to her spread thinly on graham crackers, but then it just struck me as such a waste of time to faff around with that. Why not just pile a spoonful in her mouth? It tastes just as good, I get more into her, and it's actually less of a mess. A highly efficient calorie bomb, all in all.
I await the outpouring of horror at my lax parental nutrition, but if it cranks up her weight a bit, I can live with that. Yay Nutella.
by at April 14, 2004 12:13 PM
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