Terrible Twos
Are upon us...about three weeks, to be exact. Granted, with Bean's delays, we are perhaps a little farther away than usual, but it will hit us sooner or later. First, however, we have a 2nd birthday to enjoy, and it's sort of pleasant to know that this will be a very relaxed birthday, just mommy/daddy/Bean/dogs. I will see how long I can push off mad kiddie birthdays at Chuck E. Cheese.
I was pleased to come up with a great birthday present, though...at least I hope it will be a hit. It took rather a while to track down, but I think it will be worth it, even if she isn't immediately interested: http://www.horse-gifts.com/foroho.html
Apparently it's good for her balance/equilibrium development to be on rocking toys, and this one is just so darn cute. I expect it will confound and antagonize the dogs, but that's another Huzzah.
by at February 20, 2004 11:04 AM
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