Channelling Mammy
Okay, before anyone gets frothy that I'm somehow regressing ethically, please know that both my great-grandmother and my great-great-grandmother were called "Mammy" by their grandchildren. As an aside, many books written by Irish authors seem to use "Mammy" as a typical appellation for a mother...it's interesting only in the sense that so many Southern families are Scots-Irish in extraction. Or, to use the vernacular, we're crackers. Yee-haw.
Well, that was a paradigm shift of sorts. The point of this Huzzah was to pat myself on the back for finally attempting fried chicken. Sad to say, it has taken me nearly 28 years to actually try this by myself, at home. If anyone else is interested in tackling said recipe, get a wok. Dead easy. Even made fried okra in the leftover oil...at that point, who CARES what you're frying..it's in chicken grease!
At any rate, this activity got me thinking about different fried chicken recipes, so I did a Google search (I may be Southern in extraction, but I clearly live in Northern California) and found this fantastic website called, very simply, Texas Cooking.
Go rummaging if you'd like to see the food of my ancestry, childhood, and what I will forcefeed Bean.
by at July 02, 2003 7:49 PM
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