And Now For Something Completely Different
I had initially intended to post something ranty about the current state of affairs in the world and the world's response, but then I got either apathetic or utterly frustrated with the whole thing. And I state here and now, I am putting my head in the sand in regards to my political opinions and views. I don't want to hear anyone elses, fine, then so too shall I be silent.
A much more personally fulfilling topic for tonight's random huzzah: Bean is truly figuring out cause and effect, as well as finesse. She has this keyboard that lights up and plays music, yadda yadda...usually she whacks at it with open palm or arm. Well, tonight she was lying on the floor and realized that if she sort of flicked her finger against the keys...they would work!
Another favorite toy is this cow toy that is HAPPYHAPPYHAPPY!!! You hit it, it moos, it plays Farmer in the Dell. And Old Macdonald. And Farmer in the Dell. And Old...well, you get the idea. She loves it. We, well, we endure it. But it was on the other side of her tonight, and so we were treated to the gloriously cacophonous mixture of Farmer in the Dell and Brandenburg Concerto #1.
Huzzah. I think.
by at March 29, 2003 7:30 PM
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