Virginity and New Hamster
Today has been rather surreal on all begin with, I gave a quiz on the American colonies, and I organized in a Venn diagram format---thought this was kind of an easy way to compare and contrast. Well...apparently not. However, there were definitely a couple of howlers today---read the title again. Did you know that those were two of the original Thirteen Colonies? Yep.
I think New Hamster is my favorite, I just imagine a whole bunch of hamsters running around New England burning witches and eating clam chowder.
Then I mixed up the dog's eye ointment and Baby Orajel. Yes, I did. It's embarrassing as hell to admit, but there it is. After hopping around the house in a froth, I called Poison Control and they set my mind at ease...Bean isn't displaying any allergic reaction to the ointment, so it was likely just a stupid mistake. But definitely par for the course this week.
by at September 27, 2002 9:07 PM
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