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« What's Happening Now | Main | Bean, Out On A Limb »

w August 22, 2002

Birthday Present

Quite possibly the best one I could have asked for this year, too. Last night, Bean managed to sleep from 7 pm to 10:40 pm, and then after eating, from 11 pm to 3 am, causing me to wake up on my birthday and think, "did I really sleep as long as I think I did?" And then she didn't pop back up again until 6 o'clock.

It's so amazing to me how quickly the human body can get adjusted to an erratic sleeping schedule. I know it's not particularly good for said human body, but it's the way it is for right now. Every time I read an article on how bad it is that the American public isn't sleeping enough, I have to laugh (hollowly, and tiredly)...nowhere in those articles is there any mention of new parents. One of the few groups getting consistently crummy sleep, and where are we? Perhaps the authors of these articles just know how depressing it would be to bring up a sore subject, but I do wish that some great solution could be found for those of us who have committed the next year or so to a severe lack of sleep while still trying to function normally.

On a completely unrelated topic, had to go to the dentist this morning for root planing. It wasn't nearly as awful as I had anticipated, but that was likely due to the fact that I couldn't feel my jaw for five hours. And why is it that dental hygienists and dentists insist on making conversation when one's mouth is crammed full of mirrors, scrapy tool things, latex-clad hands and that weird device that sucks up fluid? Is this something they get taught in dentistry school? Let's just say that I'm glad I kept the Vicodin from my stay in the maternity ward. Huzzah for painkillers!

by at August 22, 2002 11:39 PM | TrackBack Comments
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